一、Interpor Fleece (VG) Glass Fiber
Deep filtration
High particle holding capacity
Best micron rating at high Δp
Usable for mineral oils, emulsions, and for most synthetic
hydraulic fluids and lubrication oils
Filter fineness based on filtration quotient ßx(c) ≥ 200:
4 μm(c), 5 μm(c), 7 μm(c), 10 μm(c), 15 μm(c), and 20 μm(c) 二、Paper Matting (P)
Deep filtration
Constructed of paper and polyester fiber
High material stability and strength
Available in 10 μm and 25 μm fineness 三、Stainless Steel Mesh (G)
Surface filtration
Provides high resistance filter elements (irrespective of the
hydraulic fluid used)
Partially cleanable
Available in 25 μm, 40 μm, and 80 μm finenesses (other
micron ratings on request) 四、Eaton's filter elements are tested according to the following ISO-Standards:
ISO 2941 Verification of collapse/burst resistance ISO 2942 Verification of fabrication integrity ISO 2943 Verification of material compatibility with fluids ISO 3723 Method for end load testing ISO 3724 Verification of flow fatigue characteristics ISO 3968 Evaluation of pressure drop versus flow characteristics ISO 16889 Multi-Pass method for evaluating filtration performance
【EATON伊顿过滤器滤芯TEF625.25VG16SR.PFS.8.ER.0-嘉乐】【INTERNORMEN英德诺曼滤芯HPF.601.10VG.HR.E.P.F.6.AE.70.5.0.P.VA-嘉乐】 嘉乐过滤器材有限公司 编辑整理资料 《转载请注明出处》 谢谢您的合作!!!
赫姆特.弗朗格先生于1972年在德国曼海姆创建了英德诺曼过滤器有限公司. 致力于生产及销售高质量的液压油和润滑油过滤器,35多年来一直致力于液压系统和润滑系统中过滤技术的革新和企业的创新发展,并在国际市场创立最高的质量标准及规范,使英德诺曼技术有限公司“INTERNORMEN”成为工艺精湛的标志。2011年,美国多元化工业制造商伊顿公司(EAT0N)成功收购德国Internormen Technology Group,使其获得移动、工业液压与流程应用方面的技术先进产品。现在,英德诺曼公司已从液压和润滑过滤器的制造商发展成为一个国际性的技术公司,今后将凭借雄厚的技术实力继续为客户提供更加专业的支持与合作.