嘉乐滤清器有限公司,坐落交通便利,环境优美,京南第一县固安,占地面积 5000平方米,集开发、生产、销售、于一体的综合企业。
PALL(颇尔);HYDAC(贺德克);MAHLE(玛勒);PARKER(派克);ARGO(雅歌);FILTREC(富卓);STAUFF(西德福);VICKERS(威格士);EPPENSTEINER(EPE);TAISEI KOGYO(大生);INTERORMEN(英德诺曼);MANN(曼);DONALDSON(唐纳森);HY-PRO(海普洛);MP-FILTRI(翡翠)Rexroth(力士乐)公司过滤器、滤芯系列等国外500多家知名品牌公司的产品。
螺杆式空压机三滤系列:英格索兰、阿特拉斯、复盛、寿力、柳州富达、康普艾、伯格、昆西、博莱特、施耐德、日盛、飞和、斯可络、优耐特斯、凌格风、艾能、神户制钢、日立、田边、岩田、凯撒等,以及国标过滤器、滤芯系列: 吸油过滤器,滤芯系列、直回式回油过滤器,滤芯系列、管路过滤器,滤芯系列、双筒过滤器,滤芯系列、阀块安装式过滤器,滤芯系列。
公司各类技术人员和管理人员齐全,拥有各类制造专业产品的精加工和专业设备,公司实行ERP管理系统,能与辅助设计(CAD)系统有机的串联在一起,使技术开发、生产、销售能按用户所需的要求在最短的时间内提供高质量的产品。 在产品生产过程中,各环节配有专职检验人员,保证了产品的生产质量。我公司的检验器具多为产自国外的先进器具,并得到了技术监督部门的认可出证,检验数据真实可靠。我公司本着质量一流的理念,不断引进国际上先进的技术和经验,完全可以与原装产品相媲美。适用于,电厂、钢厂、搅拌站、烟厂、化工等众多领域。支持定做各种特种异型滤芯。产品远销广州、长沙、上海。受到了顾客的普遍的好评。并开始进军海外市场,得到客户的高度评价。
Jiale Filter Co., LTD Located convenient transportation and beautiful environment, first county in the south of Beijing GuAn, covers an area of 5000 square meters, the collection development, the production, sales, into an integrated enterprise. In order to ensure quality products, the company and each big mechanical engineering colleges keep long cooperative relations in product development and quality escorting. Our main business Foreign replace filter, screw air compressor SanLv filter, gb filters, filter, filter oil machine testing equipment. Product features: my company combining domestic and foreign advanced technology has completely mature alternative abroad, and many famous brand with the original, both internal and external packaging and certificate or product performance can be packed with original product comparable. Alternative products as follows: PALL; HYDAC ; MAHLE ; PARKER ; ARGO ; FILTREC ; STAUFF ; VICKERS; EPPENSTEINER (EPE); TAISEI KOGYO ; INTERORMEN MANN ; DONALDSON ; HY - PRO ; MP - FILTRI Rexroth company filters and filter series and other foreign well-known brands more than 500 company's products. Screw air compressor SanLv series: Ingersoll rand, atlas, after cheng, sullair, liuzhou fidelity, KangPuYi, berger, quincy, bolaite, schneider, risheng, fly and collaterals, superior, but, rafa, willinsult the standard wind resistance, ai can, kobe steel, Hitachi, tanabe, iwata, Caesar, and gb filters and filter series: oil absorption filter, filter series, straight back to type return oil filter, filter series, pipeline strainers, filter series, double tube filters, filter series, manifold installation type filter, filter series. All kinds of company technicians and managerial personnel is complete, with various manufacturing professional product finishing and professional equipment, the company implements the ERP management system, can with computer-aided design (CAD) systems organic series together, make technology development, production and sales of according to user requirements needed in the shortest possible time to provide high-quality products. In the production process, each link is equipped with full-time inspection personnel, guarantee product quality of production.My company's inspection instruments for more produced in the foreign advanced instruments, and obtained recognition of technical supervision department, inspection data is reliable claiming compensation. Our company in line with the first-class quality philosophy, and constantly introduce the international advanced technology and experience, can match with the original products. Apply to, power plant, steel plant, mixing, cigarette factory, chemical industry, etc. Support customizing special alien filter. Products are exported to guangzhou, changsha, Shanghai. By the customer's universal praise. And a foray into overseas markets, obtains the customer the highly. |